A New Perspective for City COuncil. Vote Megan!

Megan and her family enjoying the Kennedy Space Center.

The Issues That drive mE.

  • Your voice matters. Titusville is brimming with innovative and creative individuals. It's time we begin listening to our community members. We have boards composed of highly intelligent and dedicated individuals who generously volunteer their time to serve our city. Yet, too often, we rely on consultants from out of town for advice. It's time we prioritize listening to our citizens and utilize the talent we have within our community to accomplish our goals!

  • Serving on the Titusville Planning and Zoning Commission, I have actively supported Low Impact Development initiatives and the preservation of Titusville's natural assets, such as the Indian River Lagoon. It's imperative that we confront water quality issues head-on and acknowledge the challenges we face.

  • While Titusville has made significant progress, there's still work to be done regarding infrastructure. We must prioritize investments in our roads, drainage systems, and transportation networks to improve residents' quality of life and accommodate future growth.

  • As a former foster mom, I advocated for children and families facing crises. I firmly believe that the family unit is the cornerstone of our society. I am committed to preserving families in Titusville by providing activities that promote community cohesion and instill a sense of pride for every community member.

I'm running because every voice deserves to be heard.

I became involved in local government due to an issue in my neighborhood. As an everyday citizen, I experienced firsthand the difficulty of seeking help from the City of Titusville and its leaders, often receiving no follow-up or concern.

While growth is essential and beneficial, it risks being hindered by inadequate planning and infrastructure, potentially impeding Titusville’s progress.

I offer a fresh perspective and a commitment to transparency.

I am one of three candidates who have signed the Oath to the Right to Clean Water. As a member of Titusville’s Planning and Zoning Commission, I have consistently voted against projects that don't benefit our residents or environment. I do not take money from special interest groups or developers.

My primary concern is representing the residents.

Electing the same type of people will continue to yield the same results.

If you want change, transparency, and concern for every voice, vote for Megan on November 5th.

Join the team.

Sign up to volunteer or to ask any questions you may have about Megan’s campaign and her plans for a Titusville that feels like home.